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We will be recruiting participants for the 2022-2023 flu season. Please contact
or call 706-583-0174 for more information.
We are conducting a series of studies that focus on how exposure to chronic and acute stress is associated with antibody production following vaccination. This research is funded by a New Innovator Award, which is part of the High-Risk, High-Reward program at NIH. This season, we have two cohorts participating in our study:
1. 400 adult participants, ages 18-85
2. 100 child participants (ages 10-17) and their parents
These cohorts are participating in a series of visits to the UGA Clinical and Translational Unit, where they provide blood samples, complete questionnaires, and receive their annual flu shot. Participants will complete 3-5 visits over the course of 90 days, which will allow us to evaluate how their immune systems responded to the vaccine, and whether certain social experiences are associated with antibody production.
Collaborators: Dr. Ted Ross
Partnerships: The Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU), UGA Center for Vaccines and Immunology
Funding: NIH - New Innovator Award
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